Punto de Vista International Documentary Film Festival of Navarra
March 5, 2018 12:48 pm Leave your thoughtsMarch 8 2018, 10h and 22h30
Baluarte, Sala Gola
Configuration in Black and White / Konfiguration schwarz und weiss , 9′ – (Helga Fanderl) Optimism , 15′ – (Deborah Stratman) IFO , 9′ – (Kevin Jerome Everson) Flores , 27′ – (Jorge Jácome) Elohim, or Divine Beings, the Energy of Light as Creation , 31′ – (Nathaniel Dorsky)
March 8 2018, 20h
Baluarte, Sala Gola
CORRESPONDENCES: Films as Letters, film series curated by Francisco Algarín and Garbiñe Ortega
Helga Fanderl composes her scores while shooting (changes of focus, filming speed, foretastes) to
shape the morphology of what she portrays and capture the genius loci on each trip. Lowder’s
animated networks, however, start with the score and then bring in near and distant colours, which,
together with the changes of location, create the music. While Mekas sings his poems and LaPore
marks the miles with train noises, Sonbert, with his paratactic routes, word play and frenetic changes
of direction, amasses all the blood in your head to the sound of pop songs.
SONG OF AVIGNON. Jonas Mekas. 1998. 16mm. 8’, sonora.
BOUQUETS 11-20. Rose Lowder. 2005-2009. 16mm. 14’.
A DEPRESSION IN THE BAY OF BENGAL. Mark LaPore. 1996. 16mm. 28’. sonora.
VON EINEM SPAZIERGANG FROM A WALK. Helga Fanderl. 1991. Super 8, 3’, silente.
BOLOGNA-SKIZZE. SKETCH OF BOLOGNA. Helga Fanderl. 2001. Super 8, 1’. silent.
ZIEGEN GOATS. Helga Fanderl. 1993. Super 8, 15’’. silente.
TAMBURINE UND TANZ TAMBOURINES AND DANCE. Helga Fanderl.1995. Super 8, 3’. silente.
STADT DER TOTEN NECROPOLIS. Helga Fanderl. 1998. Super 8, 3’. silente.
FISCHERBOOTE. Helga Fanderl. 2015. Super 8, 3’ silente.
LETTER TO D.H. IN PARIS. David Brooks, 1967, 16mm, 4’, sonora.
FRIENDLY WITNESS. Warren Sonbert. 1989, 16mm., 22’ sonora.
TRT: 104 minProgramme 5. Journeys and Songs
Categorised in: Events & Screenings
This post was written by Helga Fanderl