Meditations on the present — Ute Aurand, Helga Fanderl, Jeannette Munoz and Renate Sami
June 20, 2020 8:50 am Leave your thoughtsPunto de Vista Collection N. 14/2020 – Spanish/English/Basque –
Edited by Garbiñe Ortega, Maria Palacios
The cinema of the German and Chilean filmmakers Ute Aurand, Helga Fanderl, Jeannette Muñoz and Renate Sami is a cinema in the present tense – a cinema of and for the senses stressing the inseparability between filmmaking and living. The volume represents the first publication jointly devoted to their film practices. It takes the hive of mutual support and appreciation that the relationships between these four filmmakers constitutes as its point of departure. The personal and poetic sit side by side with the essayistic and critical. Some texts are born out of real-life encounters, taking the form of letters, diaries and notes, others are the author’s individual responses to the films.
The publication is accompanied by a retrospective in five programmes, curated in dialogue with the filmmaker’s. It highlights their exchanges and correspondences and offers a distinct view into each filmmaker’s work. These are films that denote a feminist generosity, a tolerance and respect for one another and for the environment.
Aurand, Fanderl, Muñoz and Sami have been widely recognized at international festivals such as Berlinale, Oberhausen, NYFF, Media City and Rotterdam.
Published by: Punto de Vista – Festival Internacional de Cine Documental de Navarra, Spain 2020
Contributors: George Clark, Soon Mi-Yoo, Sarah Neely, Francisco Algarín, Elena Duque, Carine Doumit, Robert Beavers, Tarcisius Schelbert, Peter Nau, Maria Lang. / Dani Sanchis
€ 28,00
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This post was written by Helga Fanderl