Das Esszimmer: Film Live by Helga Fanderl

February 17, 2015 6:06 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

«Helga Fanderl is a film artist, who captures the experienced moment. – Her films are created exclusively in the camera. The turning on and switching off is the cut. There is no later montage or postproduction. The films are in Super 8 format and without sound. The focus lies on the creation of the film during the filming. The alienation by cinematic means transforms familiar images and impressions into a Terra Incognita which has to be discovered.»

«In the installation The Color Run and in two Film Live programmes film as film the screening itself is the central theme. (…) the operating of the film projector, the change of the film reels, the focusing of the image and the adjustment of the framer, the program introduction by the artist as well as the following conversations about her films become a performative act and at the same time part of the shown Super 8 program.»

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